
Pharmacovigilance Services:

At Pvigi, our Pharmacovigilance Services are designed to ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. Leveraging our expertise and in-depth understanding of regional regulations, we offer comprehensive pharmacovigilance solutions. From adverse event monitoring to risk management, signal detection, and regulatory reporting, our tailored services prioritize patient safety and regulatory compliance.

Local Literature Screening:

Our Local Literature Screening service is crafted to navigate the rich tapestry of language and diverse sources prevalent in Turkey, the Middle East, and Africa. We meticulously sift through local literature, academic publications, and regional databases to extract relevant insights crucial for your research, compliance, and product lifecycle. Our multilingual team ensures that no critical information is missed, providing a comprehensive synthesis of knowledge tailored to your specific requirements.

Regulatory Intelligence Services:

Stay ahead of regulatory changes and industry trends with Pvigi’s Regulatory Intelligence Services. We monitor and analyze the dynamic regulatory landscape, providing timely insights into evolving guidelines, policies, and compliance requirements. Our detailed reports and actionable recommendations empower your organization to proactively navigate regulatory challenges, ensuring compliance and strategic decision-making in an ever-changing environment.

Medical Information Services:

Pvigi’s Medical Information Services are dedicated to delivering accurate, reliable, and timely medical information to support healthcare professionals and stakeholders. We provide comprehensive data analysis, scientific literature reviews, and customized information packages. Whether you need medical inquiries support, literature summaries, or educational materials, our service ensures that you have access to verified and pertinent information.

Each of these services is tailored to meet the specific needs of pharmaceutical companies, CROs, and healthcare organizations operating in the diverse and complex regions of Turkey, the Middle East, and Africa. Contact us to explore how Pvigi’s expertise and regional focus can elevate your pharmacovigilance, regulatory intelligence, local literature screening, and medical information needs to new heights of excellence.

About Us

Pvigi: Local and Regional Expert in Pharmacovigilance

At Pvigi, we are dedicated to redefining excellence in pharmacovigilance and regulatory solutions across Turkey, the Middle East, and Africa. With a commitment to innovation, precision, and regional expertise, we stand as a trusted partner for pharmaceutical companies, CROs, and healthcare organizations seeking comprehensive pharmacovigilance and medical services.

Our Mission

Our mission at Pvigi is clear: to safeguard public health and enhance patient safety by providing qualified pharmacovigilance solutions. We strive to deliver actionable insights and medical activities that empower our clients to make informed decisions.

Expertise and Regional Focus

Backed by a team of industry experts, pharmacovigilance specialists, and regulatory professionals, Pvigi combines extensive experience with a deep understanding of the local nuances prevalent in Turkey, the Middle East, and Africa. Our multilingual capabilities, coupled with a profound grasp of regional regulations and cultural diversity, enable us to offer tailored, efficient, and compliant solutions.

Innovation and Compliance

We are committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and industry best practices. By harnessing innovative methodologies and leveraging advanced tools, we ensure the highest standards of quality, accuracy, and efficiency in our pharmacovigilance and regulatory intelligence services. Our unwavering dedication to compliance with evolving regulations ensures that our clients remain ahead in an ever-changing regulatory landscape.

Partnership and Trust

At Pvigi, we value relationships built on trust, collaboration, and transparency. We view ourselves not just as service providers but as strategic partners invested in the success and growth of our clients.

Empower Your Vision with Pvigi

Partner with Pvigi to experience a transformative approach to pharmacovigilance and regulatory solutions. Let us be your trusted ally in navigating the complexities of healthcare regulations, ensuring compliance, and driving innovation in the pharmaceutical landscape.

Contact us today to explore how Pvigi’s expertise and regional focus can propel your organization’s success in the dynamic world of pharmacovigilance.